Enhanced Lightning UI

Lightning Design System Web Components Cover
The Enhanced Lightning UI brings a modern design that improves the navigation, speed to task, and approachability for diverse users.


The Lightning Design Systems team and I successfully delivered the Enhanced Lightning UI (ELUI), a modern redesign aimed to improve navigation, task efficiency, and user accessibility. Spanning three years, this initiative evolved from a North Star visionary concept to its first round of implementations within the Salesforce ecosystem as I speak.

In close collaboration with teams from Sales Cloud, Starter, the accessibility team, and Design System Engineering, we developed an accessible, scalable, and composable design system framework and customizable coding language. This deep collaboration enabled seamless adoption across Salesforce teams and customers.

Our design team swiftly delivered design specs and a comprehensive Figma kit within a single release, which is four months. The Enhanced Lightning UI kit leveraged advanced design system features, empowering designers to iterate quickly while maintaining alignment with Lightning Web Components. The response was overwhelmingly positive, with users praising the system’s robustness and flexibility.

This project was a collective effort, where decisions were made together, fostering a culture of trust and respect within the team which ultimately enhanced our efficiency and passion for this project.

Side-by-side comparison of the old Lightning UI (left) and the Enhanced Lightning UI (right)
Side-by-side comparison of the old Lightning UI (left) and the Enhanced Lightning UI (right)


Salesforce last refreshed its UI in 2015; by comparison, many of our competitors have refreshed their designs with more up-to-date UI and accessibility standards. Because of this, we have lost more than $7 million ACV (annual contract value) in deals due to the complexity of building custom, accessible components and our outdated UI with limited branding capabilities. Internally, designers and engineers from other product teams struggled to consume our Figma and Storybook library as it did not leverage the latest and greatest features since the last UI refresh. With new acquisitions and features, the previous design system lacked robustness and flexibility, causing designers to detach our components and further creating inconsistencies in the UI across different clouds.

Current Salesforce Home page before Enhanced Lightning UI
Current Salesforce Home page before Enhanced Lightning UI
Current Salesforce List page before Enhanced Lightning UI
Current Salesforce List page before Enhanced Lightning UI
Curent Salesforce Account page before Enhanced Lightning UI
Current Salesforce Account page before Enhanced Lightning UI

Design Objective

Revamp Salesforce's design system to be scalable, flexible, and easy to use, using the latest design tools and accessibility standards. Improve user navigation, task efficiency, and accessibility, while helping internal teams maintain design consistency across Salesforce.

Skills & Responsibilities

Skills: Cross-functional collaboration, Inclusive design, Design system development, Governance, User experience design, User experience research, Prototyping, HTML/CSS knowledge, Problem-solving, Adaptability, Accessibility thinking, Design operations


  • Ideated different design experiences, including but not limited to, the look and feel of Enhanced Lightning UI during North Star visionary process
  • Presented multiple North Star design concepts to leadership, providing clear rationale behind design decisions to gain stakeholder alignment and approval.
  • Delivered design specs and Figma Kit for 100+ robust components using the latest and greatest features, including but not limited to, auto layout, variables, and component properties
  • Prototyped states and behaviors to ensure proper documentation and implementation within the product
  • Supported designers and engineers across product teams to ensure seamless integration of ELUI components & patterns into their products
  • Collaborated closely with engineering team to identify bugs and align components in Figma Kit and Storybook
  • Led the communication strategy for engineers and designers across the company, delivering an overview of ELUI, styling hooks, Figma Kit walkthrough, bug filing processes, and more.


  • Multiple Changes in Roadmap: Leadership’s evolving roadmap caused us to frequently shift priorities and adjust our workflow many times early in the process
  • Different Ways to Design: Our team had varying approaches to designing in Figma, from structuring properties and creating variants to naming and organizing components
  • Lengthy Review Processes: The lack of clear constraints at the start led to longer review cycles, with no defined criteria for component completion
  • Usability vs. Delivery: There were differing opinions on how thorough to build each component—some prioritized usability, while others aimed for faster delivery

Results & Impact

  • Top Business Priority: Building and implementing the Enhanced Lightning UI was on the CEO’s V2MOM for FY25
  • Higher Customer Satisfaction: Enhanced Lightning UI scored 31 points higher than the Net Promoter Score of Salesforce Lightning Design System. 89% of Enhanced Lightning UI adopters report that they are satisfied with the experience
  • The Preferred UI: According to 20 participants in user research, 99% of customers choose to use ELUI as their default if given the option
  • High Internal Recognition: Design system efforts & new robust Figma Kit received high praise across internal product teams and leadership


Design Jam Stats that include 100+ people in the conversation, 30+ contributing designers, and 140+ screens designed.

The Design Systems team held a series of design jam sessions, involving over 100 participants in collaborative discussions and bringing together 30+ contributing designers. These sessions resulted in 140+ Salesforce screens being designed, each showcasing its own distinct look and feel.

Collage of some of the many screens that were designed during the design jam sessions.
Some of the many screens that were designed during the design jam. Designers at Salesforce redesigned current Salesforce screens without any creative constraints.

We sorted through all 140+ screens to identify common themes our internal contributors had in their designs. By outlining the most common themes from this design jam, we can understand what other product teams and their customers consider a successful visual refresh in Salesforce. Some emerging themes we pinpointed were: redesigning our navigation, having more white space, including bolder & vibrant colors, introducing roundedness, and envisioning a brand that is uniquely Salesforce.

Common trends in the design jam that were identified. The most popular ones are: Reimagining nav, white space, bolder and vibrant colors, roundedness, branding and uniquely Salesforce
Common trends we've identified during the design jam. The most popular being: Reimagining nav, white space, bolder colors, and brand that is uniquely Salesforce

We crafted five UI principles from these recurring themes and explored three distinct design concepts for the future UI of Salesforce.

Design Explorations

Before we began designing, we crafted five foundational principles that drove our design explorations. We wanted the new UI refresh to be seamless, responsive, intuitive, trusted, and delightful for our users.

The five principles of Enhanced Lightning UI is: Seamless, Responsive, Intuitive, Trusted, and Delightful

From these principles, we focused on three distinct design concepts: Current, Kondo, and Hive. With each design concept, we outlined its relationship with users, illustration styles, color palette, spatial depth, and more in a moodboard.

Figma Jam board of the three distinct visual languages: Current, Kondo, and Hive
A Figma jam file outlining three distinct design concepts and their illustration style, color palette, icon style, and more.


This study emphasizes the solo explorer on a guided path.  

“A greater force moves me along a journey. I clearly see where I’m headed and I arrive at the right destinations along the way.”

This study emphasizes the tool, itself. Imagine the current of a river. It moves whether a human is riding the current or not. But humans have learned to trust and navigate these currents to get them where they’re going. A design language that uses space to drive a purposeful momentum and flow of people. Inspired by wayfinding within living systems.

Primary Attributes:

  • Magnetic, the pull of gravity
  • Constant flow of natural next steps
  • Well-worn paths
  • Calm reorientation
  • Visceral and multi-sensory 
Salesforce Home page in Current visual language
Salesforce Home page in Current visual language
Salesforce List page in Current visual language
Salesforce List page in Current visual language
Salesforce Contacts page in Current visual language
Salesforce Contacts page in Current visual language


This study emphasizes a partnership between a human and a system. 

“I have hired the best partner for my success. I am free to move at my own pace. I feel understood and reassured.”

This study emphasizes a partnership between a human and a system. Imagine hiring an advisor. You build a relationship through progressive stages and responsive conversations. A design language that is interested in your success and reveals the right things into your focus at the right time, working tirelessly on your behalf. Inspired by human-to-human interaction, it’s alive, warm and welcoming.

Primary Attributes:

  • Mutual attraction
  • A sense of home
  • Coaching to a destination through an opinionated journey
  • Calm reorientation
  • Transparent conversations/feedback loops
Salesforce Home page in Kondo visual language
Salesforce Home page in Kondo visual language
Salesforce List page in Kondo visual language
Salesforce List page in Kondo visual language
Salesforce Contacts page in Kondo visual language
Salesforce Contacts page in Kondo visual language


This study emphasizes familiar cues that orient, invite and celebrate human-to-human collaboration (e.g. customers, coworkers). 

“I feel supported in building stronger collaboration and unlock success in my daily tasks.”

This study emphasizes familiar cues that orient, invite and celebrate human-to-human collaboration (e.g. customers, coworkers). People feel confident in their customer relationships and are motivated to bring other team members in. A design language that uses commonly understood signals makes it feel natural for people to engage, discover, and build community.

Primary Attributes:

  • Facilitates strong human collaboration, first and always
  • Hive and communal purpose, inviting others into that purpose
  • Unmistakable clear signs
  • Simple moments that inspire great connections
  • Plays nice with others and amplifies collaboration with existing tools
Salesforce Home page in Hive visual language
Salesforce Home page in Hive visual language
Salesforce List page in Hive visual language
Salesforce List page in Hive visual language
Salesforce Contacts page in Hive visual language
Salesforce Contacts page in Hive visual language

We presented these three design concepts and their respective mood boards to the design leadership team. The design leadership team voted to move forward with combining both Kondo and Current. From there on, we worked on delivering the components and Figma Kit of the Enhanced Lightning UI.

Basics of Enhanced Lightning UI

Color Palette

We introduced a fresh color palette, featuring an electric blue that highlights the Lightning brand identity. In our current Lightning Design System, some colors fall short of WCAG 2.1 compliance. To address this, we collaborated with accessibility experts to develop the new ELUI palette, incorporating bolder, more vibrant colors. This ensures accessibility compliance while enhancing the overall user experience, making the UI both functional and delightful.

Enhanced Lightning UI color palette introduces bolder and vibrant colors while upholding WCAG standards
SLDS color palette did not pass color contrast requirements on some occassions. Enhanced Lightning UI introduces bolder and more vibrant colors while upholding accessibility standards.


Several new ELUI components have skeuomorphic details to create a more tactile, sensory-driven experience in a 2D environment. By giving these components a more touchable, physical quality, we enhance the user’s interaction with Salesforce, making navigation more intuitive and inviting engagement with the interface.

Skeuomorphism is shown when users interact with components
Hovering over a card will reveal a shadow, showing tactility and encouraging engagement for users.

Circular Motifs

Inspired by the design of the Salesforce cloud, built from six overlapping circles, we embraced circular shapes and rounded edges throughout the UI. This approach conveys a sense of friendliness, fluidity, and warmth, reinforcing a welcoming experience for users.

Enhanced Lightning UI components are now rounded which are inspired by the Salesforce cloud design
Rounded corners of components derive from the circles that create Salesforce's cloud logo.

Native Fonts

We’ve switched from SF Pro to Segoe UI and updated the type scale to improve legibility across both Windows and Mac users. This brings forward data and insights more in the UI.

Updating font and type scale improves legibility and localization
Updating font and type scale improves legibility and localization across different devices.

Building the Enhanced Lightning UI

Figma Kit

We built the Enhanced Lightning UI Figma Kit in one release, which is 4 months, containing 100+ robust components that are aligned with the existing components in the Lightning Design System. Throughout this process, our team held twice-weekly critique sessions to review each component during the design process, ensuring consistency and excellence.

A Figma page of the Textarea component. When the component is selected, there are many properties that users can enable and disable.
When selecting the Textarea component in Figma, you are able to see all the properties that can be adjusted on the right. This shows how robust these components are built out.


I collaborated closely with engineers to help build the Storybook for our components which served as an interactive source of truth for both designers and engineers. The Storybook showcases the different variants, states, and behaviors of each component. Throughout the process, I consulted with engineers to ensure the alignment and accuracy of components and helped identify and resolve bugs.

Storybook page of the Accordion component
A Storybook page of the Accordion component that has different variants.

The New Salesforce

After three years, the Enhanced Lightning UI is finally available to our customers. The Enhanced Lightning UI delivers a modern design that improves navigation, page load speed, and approachability for diverse users.

Its look and feel is achieved with component styling and these new features:

  • A cleaner UI with a simplified color palette
  • Bright, intentional pops of color that help users navigate through the experience
  • Rounded corners on components that encourage engagement
  • Soft shadows instead of borders on components, such as cards, to suggest elevation.
  • Bolder colors and focus states for interactive components to exceed our Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) commitments
  • Updated typography sizes and weights to balance pages and introduce appropriate hierarchy
Salesforce Home page in the new visual language
Salesforce Home page in the new visual language
Salesforce List page in the new visual language
Salesforce List page in the new visual language
Salesforce Account page in new visual language
Salesforce Account page in the new visual language

Governance & Adoption

Being that Salesforce has many products, we hosted biweekly SLDS Ambassadors meetings, where we gathered designers from each product cloud to discuss the latest updates and resources about ELUI. From there, ambassadors relay these updates to their teams. We've also doubled our office hours from 4 to 8 slots per week to provide more extensive support for designers. Additionally, we were dedicated to a schedule that appointed a team member as an ELUI support coordinator who addressed any UX questions in our design system Slack channel. These efforts helped streamline our support to teams and speed up their adoption process.

Moving Forward

ELUI Evolution & Beyond

After all products adopt the ELUI visual refresh, the design systems team will shift its focus to enhancing the library with key UX improvements. We will introduce new, innovative motion design to elevate user engagement and create a more delightful experience. Additionally, we will continue evolving ELUI to ensure it remains future-proof, including offering users exceptional experiences through the integration of generative AI.

Popover component for Lightning Design System, Enhanced Lightning Design System, and ELUI Evolution
ELUI was a 1:1 UI-only visual enhancement initiative. In ELUI Evolution, UX improvements will be introduced to current components.


I want to start by expressing how deeply grateful I am to have been part of such a high-profile project. I'm even more thankful for the opportunity to collaborate with some of the most talented and dedicated designers at Salesforce. The challenges we faced early on were tough, but they were a testament to the passion each of us brought to this monumental effort. Together, we navigated those rough patches with grace and integrity. Through this visual refresh, I became highly proficient with Figma’s latest features and now feel confident in my expertise with the tool. Hearing praise from leadership, the wider organization, and especially from our users, has reaffirmed why I’m so passionate about being a Product Designer.

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